Urma Live at Radio Guerrilla – Guerrilive

Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios

When people go to a concert, they usually go to a club or stand in front of a big stage waiting for their favourite band to show up and start playing. This time it was different. People stayed at home, stayed at work, or in their cars, with their browsers pointed at www.orange.ro/guerrilive or their radios tuned to Radio Guerrilla.

A concert that could be seen and heard online and listened on the radio. I think it brought some happiness after a busy day at work or, if the day was not over, introduced a little brake in their schedule.

I’m sure the people at the radio station had a good time. The whole Radio Guerrilla crew was dancing next to the studio that Urma played live in. It was a fun evening, and as they played, requests were storming Radio Guerrilla’s Facebook Page. In fact, there were so many people watching the live video feed, that the connection failed and was down for a couple of minutes.

The show’s host was Bogdan Serban and now it’s my turn to host some of the pictures. For the rest of them you can check out Urma’s Facebook Page.

Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios
Radu Dumitrescu - Grey Wolf Studios

We had a blast, and I hope you liked the show. Fortunately you can listen to the podcast here, just be a little careful, because the show starts right away. If you’re at work plug in your headphones first.

As always, you can share this post on Facebook, or even Tweet about it, and if you liked it (or if you didn’t) I’d love to get your feedback in the comment section below.

That’s it for today, see you next time.

Over and out

Radu Dumitrescu

Commercial photographer. Coffee lover.

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