Biking the Annapurna Circuit – Episode 1: Getting to Syanje

radu dumitrescu nepal mountain bike annapurna thorung la 2010

 We were back in Kathmandu from our 3 day trip around Kathmandu Valley. We had a busy night trying to rent lighter bikes. Our bikes were decent, around 15kilograms, but we hoped we could rent some light ones. We wanted light bikes because we took a last minute decision of biking the Annapurna Circuit. Alina trekked it last time she was in Nepal, but it seemed like a good idea to cycle it. She said it’s OK to cycle, because the paths are good and it seemed like a good idea. She kept reminding me that she has a lot more cycling experience than me and that she’s in a much better shape than me since I didn’t get to do that much cycling at home, basically none in the last 6 months. I also never went as high as 5416m (Thorung La pass) as we’re going to get on this trip.

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Kathmandu – First Impressions

Kathmandu - Radu Dumitrescu

I arrived in Kathmandu a bit confused. Got off the plane and the airport looked a lot like a bus station. I had two things to do before I could get out of the airport: take a photo and pay for the visa. Didn’t seem like a lot of things to do, but they lasted for over an hour.

Finally I got through the infinite visa queue and my passport was the newly found owner of a 30day visa. I get my luggage and go towards the exit, together with a dutch couple that I met while waiting. As we go down the flight of stairs we see another ginormous queue with a sign saying „CUSTOMS” at its end. We all said: „S**t. Not another one”. One of the security guards, after seeing the look on our faces, came to us and led us straight to the exit saying „No, only for locals, no for tourists”.

As we got to the exit we were invaded by a lot of cab drivers. Felt close to the sensation I had at home. Since I knew that my friends were waiting and had absolutely no idea on where I was going I rejected all of them. Didn’t even know if their prices were good or not. I just assumed that they’re higher because of our location. I say goodbye to the dutch couple and join my friends. We look for a taxi but their prices are at least double from the ones I heard inside the airport. It’s the first thing I learned about Nepal. The price you hear at fist is just a greeting. I think its sole purpose is for you to practice dividing by 2 or 3. We took the cab that offered a free ride to the hotel if we stayed at that specific hotel.

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One Night in Dublin

Plecasem din Italia, după expoziția din Legnago. Am luat un tren dis de dimineață, către aeroport. Nițel întortocheată situația, deoarece la 2 ore după ce ajungeam în București decola avionul către Dublin. Un lanț în care singura intarziere binevenită ar fi fost din partea avionului spre Dublin.

A fost prima vizită în Dublin, dar mă așteptam cumva să semene cu Londra. Într-un fel mi s-a părut că seamănă. Mult mai mic și mult mai accesibil în comparație cu Londra. Titlul articolului este nițel tras de păr, în total am stat o săptămâna în Dublin, nu o singură noapte. În schimb într-o singură noapte am apucat să mă detașez nițel de loc și să las aparatul să fotografieze. Pe de o parte e bine că eram pentru prima dată în Dublin. Prima dată când mergi într-un loc privești lucrurile într-un mod mai puțin alterat de propria personalitate, lucru care poate fi și bun și rău, o lamă cu două tăișuri. Nu spun că personalitatea fotografului nu trebuie să fie prezentă în fotografii. Ea oricum este prezentă, dar este interesant să îți antrenezi acest mod de a fotografia la prima vedere.

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Concert Urma – Paris 2010

29 mai  a fost ziua in care Urma a sustinut primul lor concert in Paris, chiar in Palatul de Behague, care este si Ambasada Romaniei in Paris.

Un loc boem, maiestuos, intr-un oras la fel de boem avea sa gazduiasca peste 1000 de oameni (inscrisi online) pentru a 3-a editie Garden Party Academic.

Dupa 3 ore de zbor am ajuns pe aerorportul Charles de Gaulle, unde un Concorde trona pe un stand, aparat care a fost in fruntea flotei Air France timp de aproximativ 40 de ani.

Am fost condusi pana in 7eme arrondissement, unde se afla si ambasada si hotelul in care am fost cazati. Foarte aproape de Turnul Eiffel, pe niste strazi pline de cafenele, florarii si tarabe cu


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London And The Freedom Of Colour

It’s been 4 months since I left London, perhaps even more. It wasn’t a good time for pretty much anything, and that nothing was pretty much all that I’ve done. I arrived right before Christmas Eve and walked around that night. The people were different. Few were out because they wanted to. When people walked they looked like they had a goal: home.

People seemed trapped in this „outside” and they were looking forward to get inside, to spend Christmas together with someone that cared. One of probably the few nights when people agree, have a common goal and it’s not in the middle of a riot. The people that worked that night did not look happy. They didn’t say anything, but their look pretty much said it all.

The later it got the weirder you got for being out. The amusement park in Hyde Park was pretty much deserted. There were some people, more than on the streets, but there was this feeling I got that they won’t be there for long. The stalls were nearly empty and I think the sellers had the same thing on their mind.

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In sfarsit, am gasit un pic de timp ca sa fac ordine in cele  2-3 poze pe care le-am facut in Londra.

Primul contact cu orasul a fost destul de brutal. Era sa dea o masina peste mine, deoarece cand am traversat m-am uitat in stanga, din reflex.

Acolo toti soferii sunt nebuni, dar TOTI. Toate masinile merg pe contrasens. Soferul a oprit […]


probabil si-a dat seama ca-s nitel dezorientat, iar eu m-am intors si mi-am cerut scuze. Bineinteles ca mi-am cerut scuze pasagerului, deoarece volanul se afla pe partea cealalta. Foarte ciudata senzatia pe care o ai cand te uiti la o masina ca trece pe langa tine si vezi „soferul” cum sta cu mainile la ceafa.

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