London’s Underground

One thing I like about London’s Underground. More than one actually, but there’s one thing I like in particular. They allow you to take pictures inside the stations and inside the trains. No signs and no stressed out policemen telling you to stop taking pictures. I guess it’s ok as long as you don’t disturb anybody.

I like the Underground quite a lot. It’s like a city inside the city. There are even different kind of people usually going on the different lines of the Underground. You get in contact with everyone here. From the smiling japanese tourists with their maps dropping out of their camera bags to the tired people that go home from work at 10 PM.Just the other day I saw a guitarist play at Baker Street Station that made Joe Satriani look like a slowhand player… talk about chances in life.

All in all the Underground’s a big, giant fruitcake.

More to come.

Radu Dumitrescu

Commercial photographer. Coffee lover.

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