Duke Ellington Orchestra – The Intermission

You know those days that you’ll always remember. You travel back in time and focus on the better things in life. You go to sleep in Bucharest, but wake up in Harlem, 60 years behind.

They left the stage for a short intermission, and my backstage pass got me closer to them than I would have ever imagined. They had that New York spirit that you’ll only find in movies, while their eyes showed the places they’ve been and things they saw.

The chance of coming in contact with them was a true honor, while my choice of Kodak Tri-X film made me very happy ever since I developed the film. I wanted to make some portraits that showed my respect to them and their music and print film looked like a good choice. It lets you imagine how the picture would end up looking, without actually letting you have a glimpse at it. That way you have more time for the actual subject: the people in the pictures.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Duke Ellington Orchestra.

Radu Dumitrescu

Commercial photographer. Coffee lover.

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