Concert Urma – Ateneul Roman

Ateneul Roman este, din punctul meu de vedere, singurul loc din Bucuresti care pastreaza acel ceva ce a disparut din acest oras paralelipipedic si lipsit de gust. Prezenta lui e o marturie, o dovada ca a existat viata in aceasta zona etern defavorizata, umbrit un pic de atentia scazuta ce i se acorda si de selectia destul de stricta a evenimentelor ce au loc in aceasta cladire minunata.

Primul contact cu Ateneul a fost prin clasa a 2-a. A fost o perioada in care mergeam in fiecare vineri impreuna cu bunicul meu, iar acea sala mare, rotunda, cu o acustica perfecta si cu scaune rosii in care rasunau viorile lui Paganini mi-a ramas placut imprimata in memorie.

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Timisoara And Cluj – Urma

We’re back in February, just came to Bucharest after my exhibition in Verona. We left for Timisoara where Urma would have their concert, followed by Cluj on the second day.

The winter passed and our route was right on the freshly repaired road to Sibiu. When we got to Dealul Negru I thought we made a wrong turn and got to some historical site with trenches from the second world war. I’m not kidding, there were 40 cm deep craters all over the road and funny pieces of debris that looked like bombshell. There was a time I thought a helmet would be appropriate. In front of us there were cars literally jumping up and down as they were speeding at 25 km/h on this road that made swiss-cheese look flat.

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Long Time No See & Sneak Peek Into The Future Posts

I know, I know, I’ve been busy, didn’t post in a while.  I needed a little break. Still need it now, but at least I got some time off from bad things that were happening when I thought nothing else could go wrong.

3 trips to Verona for the exhibition, my first exhibition there to be more precise. Some photos from the exhibition can be seen here. It was good, the people liked my work and there should be a couple more exhibitions on the way.

While things seemed to be ok, reality was a little different. That actually being the reason for this break. Before I left for London, disaster struck and forced me to use the services of a well known data recovery company that I didn’t want to use. Like all things in life that seem to be connected, when one thing goes wrong, many others follow and support is not there where you think it is. The winter was a bliss for those who love it, but for me, Christmas is just beginning to show up. New year’s eve also.

After nearly 2 months away from home and unfinished work piling up, we left for Freiburg, where Urma held their live performance during the Jawala Festival. I think there were close to 900 people for the concert and they had a good time. And not just young people. There were people of all ages, and I liked that. I was for the first time in Germany and I’ll surely return. There’s lots to be seen and the first impression was great. Lots of places on the list.

Last trip to Verona, which ended just yesterday actually had some skiing in it. Skiing was a vital occupation of mine, which had a critical pause when I broke my knee in April 2008 (torn ACL). That marked the time when I really started to study photography which slowly became what it is now, so I guess it’s true that everything has a meaning in life. But now it’s clear to me. Once you have it in you, you can’t rest apart from it for […]

Hit the jump for the rest of the story.

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Tedx Bucharest

Ted stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. Simplu.

O conferinta despre schimbare. Despre lucruri simple luate ca atare, neschimbate de atata timp si departe de a fi perfecte. Oameni cu idei, idei ce merita raspandite. Concepte cu care merita sa te asociezi si care merita sa fie apreciate. Inovatie, arta si tehnologie.

La fel cum Alexander Calder a imbinat arta cu tehnologia transformand masina de curse a lui Hervé Poulain intr-o adevarata opera de arta si astfel a pornit intreaga serie de 15 masini BMW Art Cars sau la fel cum Bose alege sa ofere sisteme de sonorizare neconventionale, fantastic de eficiente(intregul hol din Centrul National de Dans, ce cuprinde 2 etaje, a fost sonorizat de un singur sistem SoundLink™ wireless music system, de dimensiuni ridicol de mici, dar cu rezultate uimitoare – foto 3) Ted aduce intr-un singur loc oameni care au ceva de zis si care merita ascultat.


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Urma, TVR 1, Garantat 100%

In seara asta incepe o noua serie din mult apreciata emisiune Garantat 100%, gazduita de Catalin Stefanescu.

Emisiunea este filmata intr-un platou mare si frumos, alaturi de o echipa bine pregatita, in cadrul Televiziunii Romane. Singura data cand am mai intrat pe acest platou a fost in 1996, cand am facut un tur al televiziunii, la sfarsitul unui curs de jurnalism tinut de domnul profesor Mircea Mondea, la Clubul Copiilor. Timpul a trecut, iar aparentele inseala. Am fost impresionat de profesionalismul echipei de platou. Totul a mers snur.

Sa nu uitam de ce scriu acest articol. Urma a fost invitata sa cante in prima emisiune din aceasta serie, noua lor piesa, Terminus.

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Tudor Arghezi nr. 12

Desi numele poate nu va spune nimic, in urma cu mai bine de un an, un loc avea sa prinda viata. Cand i-am trecut pentru prima oara pragul, era locul in care se inregistra o emisiune pentru o televiziune online. Gandul mi-a ramas acolo, chiar cineva mi-a propus sa-l transformam intr-un studio foto. Acest lucru nu s-a mai intamplat, iar la putin timp emisiunea s-a terminat si locul a ramas liber.

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Sedinta foto – Belinda Liu – Fashion Designer


Saptamana asta am avut un pic de timp liber, dupa mica escapada din Postavaru am zis sa-mi fac nitel ordine in marele director Nikon.

Am ajuns in luna iulie, la cea de-a 2-a sedinta foto cu Belinda Liu si mai ales cu rochiile pe care le face. In cazul in care nu stiti, Belinda Liu este o creatoare de moda si sunt sigur ca numele ei va fi foarte cunoscut in viitor. Rochiile pe care le face sunt unice, iar aceste cateva cadre sunt modul prin care ele vor putea fi vazute. Nu ezitati sa vizitati pentru a afla mai multe detalii.

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