Fotografie de concert

Timisoara And Cluj – Urma

We’re back in February, just came to Bucharest after my exhibition in Verona. We left for Timisoara where Urma would have their concert, followed by Cluj on the second day.

The winter passed and our route was right on the freshly repaired road to Sibiu. When we got to Dealul Negru I thought we made a wrong turn and got to some historical site with trenches from the second world war. I’m not kidding, there were 40 cm deep craters all over the road and funny pieces of debris that looked like bombshell. There was a time I thought a helmet would be appropriate. In front of us there were cars literally jumping up and down as they were speeding at 25 km/h on this road that made swiss-cheese look flat.

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Urma, TVR 1, Garantat 100%

In seara asta incepe o noua serie din mult apreciata emisiune Garantat 100%, gazduita de Catalin Stefanescu.

Emisiunea este filmata intr-un platou mare si frumos, alaturi de o echipa bine pregatita, in cadrul Televiziunii Romane. Singura data cand am mai intrat pe acest platou a fost in 1996, cand am facut un tur al televiziunii, la sfarsitul unui curs de jurnalism tinut de domnul profesor Mircea Mondea, la Clubul Copiilor. Timpul a trecut, iar aparentele inseala. Am fost impresionat de profesionalismul echipei de platou. Totul a mers snur.

Sa nu uitam de ce scriu acest articol. Urma a fost invitata sa cante in prima emisiune din aceasta serie, noua lor piesa, Terminus.

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Stufstock 2009 – Urma

A fost Stufstock si a fost si Urma.

De data asta Stufstock-ul a fost nitel diferit. Scena a fost chiar pe plaja, aproape de mare, iar intrarea a fost libera.  Lume a fost, n-o sa comentez prea mult, sunt destui care stiu sa comenteze, chiar prea multi.

Sunetul a fost foarte bun, mult mai bun decat m-am asteptat, iar atmosfera […]


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